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Get to know the blogger

Hey guys,

I've had this blog for about 4 months now and I realized all I've post are book reviews and haven't officially introduced myself.
So, let's begin with the basics: my name is Iva (the "i" is pronounced the same way as the word "in") and currently I'm 25 years old. I live in Bulgaria - it's a small country in Europe and almost no one knows anything about it.
Since I don't really like to talk about myself I've googled some questions which will help:

1. Zodiac sign

Sagittarius - born on the last day of the zodiac sign

2. 3 fears

Death, serous illness and losing a limb

3. 3 things I love

My boyfriend, family and reading
4. My best friend
I don’t really think I have a best friend
5. Last song I listened to
Halsey - Castle (I think)
6. How many tattoos/piercings do I have
I don't have any. I had my ears pierced as a child but I haven't worn earrings for about 8 years now
7. The reason I started blogging
To keep me in check with my reading goals and as a practice for writing
8. How I feel right now
Honestly, kinda bored. It's just been the Eastern holidays and I spent most of these 4 days alone
9. Something I really really want
To have financial stability and to quickly pay off the mortgage
10. My current relationship status
In a relationship
11. Meaning behind my URL
It’s the same url as my Tumblr which is mainly focused on yoga and working out
12. My favourite movie
I can't say that I have a favourite movie exactly
13. My favourite song
One Republic - Counting Stars
14. My favourite band
It used to be Evanescence, now I don't have one I just listen to whatever I like without focusing on who is performing it
15. 3 Things that anger me
Inadequacy, slow people (like when they're walking or talking) and unnecessary rudeness
16. 3 Things that make me happy
Reading, writing and spending time with my boyfriend
17. What I find attractive in other people
Cheerfulness, intelligence and groundness
18. Someone I miss
No one - I have all of my favourite people in my life
19. Someone I love
This is getting repetitive - my boyfriend
20. My relationship with my parents
I'd say it's a good one
21. My favourite holiday
22. My closest blogging friend
Her name is Nina and her blog is http://writtenonmyheartblog.blogspot.bg/
24. A confession
I'm terribly clumsy - it's a miracle I haven't been to the hospital.
25. 3 Things that annoy me easily
People being late, having to repeat the same thing over and over again and I can't really think of a third one, which is crazy because I get annoyed and angered quite easily
26. My favourite animal
27. My pets
I don't have one but I want a cat
28. One thing I’ve lied about
Can't remember, I don't really lie
29. Something that’s currently worrying me
The mortgage on our apartment 
30. What I work
English teacher 
My favourite quote
"It's never too late to be what you might have been"
George Eliot


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What's new?!

Hello people, long time no posting! It's been a whole year since the last book review. Not that I've read much since then. Honestly, I feel like I haven't done anything in that time. According to Goodreads I've read 18 books since the start of 2020. How? I've got no clue.   So, since last time I found a new job after a lot of searching. It's amazing how many shitty people are out there and how many of them are in charge of companies. Long story short I managed somehow to start working for a language center and it's became time Pros: -met great colleagues with whom we've become friends -the working hours weren't great, but at least during the day I had more free time Cons: - shitty boss who is always nice to you but at the same time doesn't care for their team, hence a lot of resignation - lies about the salary - lies about my future in the company: we had agreed for me to teach remotely from Monday till Friday but now suddenly...