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What's new?!

Hello people,

long time no posting! It's been a whole year since the last book review. Not that I've read much since then. Honestly, I feel like I haven't done anything in that time. According to Goodreads I've read 18 books since the start of 2020. How? I've got no clue.


So, since last time I found a new job after a lot of searching. It's amazing how many shitty people are out there and how many of them are in charge of companies. Long story short I managed somehow to start working for a language center and it's became time


-met great colleagues with whom we've become friends

-the working hours weren't great, but at least during the day I had more free time


- shitty boss who is always nice to you but at the same time doesn't care for their team, hence a lot of resignation

- lies about the salary

- lies about my future in the company: we had agreed for me to teach remotely from Monday till Friday but now suddenly it should be during the weekend

- we're always in the dark about what is happening and always giving the information at the very last second (classes, timetables, etc.)

-when you're sick they make you work because "There's no one who can take your classes", that's why I had to teach while I had NO VOICE. Yeah, it was amazing. Great times. If you're bored, try teaching a bunch of first graders without a voice. Highly recommended. Finally felt like Ariel. Although, I would've opted for her flowy red hair. Oh, and let's not forget that was the week they decided to have me performance evaluated so they watched me struggle with them.

I can talk a lot more about the negatives but it's too much details that nobody cares for. 

So, I had to find a new job because of relocation only to relocate back to my hometown. I know, I know. It sounds stupid and as if I failed at something but hear me out.

With the pandemic my boyfriend had to work from home (as did I), so his manager saw that there is absolutely no need for him to stay in S. (the capital of our country) and agreed that after all is over R. (the boyfriend) can work from the office in P. (hometown). We had bought an apartment that was under construction just before we left for the capital and this June, we started decorating it, etc. As you can see, it wasn't sensible for us to stay in the capital and pay rent when we could live in our own flat and be closer to our families and friends. As for my job as you deduced it wouldn't be the end of the world to quit. I had given my notice, but unfortunately because of COVID there aren't any full-time positions for English teachers. That's why I'm still at the shitty company that doesn't stick to their promises. And that's why I'm currently looking for a new job.

I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle. Two months ago. It still hasn't healed properly. 

However, it's not all so gloomy - it's great to live in a place that's truly yours (well, and to the bank because of mortgage), and also, I have some private students. I hope I can find more and at one point become self-employed. 

We were going to go on vacation in Italy in April, which obviously failed. That sucked. But I'm starting to feel like a psychic because the first words that came out of my mouth after we left the tourist bureau were "I think we won't go there, not gonna happen." Maybe I have to change profession. Maybe I'll have more luck there. 

Something else.... I'm starting to feel old and like I have to have a baby now (in December I'm going to be 28). But I don't want one. But I do. It's complicated.

Okay, I think these were the most important points

Till next time



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