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Hi, guys 

so the last post was from waaay too long ago. So, here's a quick update:

1. Work

I've started transitioning towards a private practice, which has been great and terrifying at the same time. Dealing with accountants is actually the worst aspect of it. I don't know if it's the same everywhere, but in the country where I live it seems like they're all incompetent assholes. 

2. Reading

For 2021 I've managed to read 37 books. I don't remember half of them. Thank God for GoodReads. I've noticed that my concentration and memory is starting to decline. Argh, it's fine.

3. New Hobbies

I decided to try and learn Italian on my own so in January I bought a course from Udemy. It's going slowly. The course is ok, but there aren't any additional exercises and most of the videos is just new words and sometimes explaining bit of grammar. I mean, I can't complain for paying just 10 dollars. I've already learned new things. I also started watching Italian TV shows on Netflix and maybe this has been the most helpful. 

P.S. I've just started the Italian show An Astrological Club for Broken Hearts based on a book. It's lighthearted and without drama that's too over the top. So, if you're in the mood for a rom-com give it a look.

I've also started working out with Pamela Reif. And I LOVE HER. Sometimes I lack the motivation and most weeks I workout 4 days a week, instead of 6 as is in her plan. I also subscribed to her app and her recipes are great. During the pandemic I gained around 10 kgs, so now I'm trying to lose weight. I actually lost 7, but during the holidays I gained some again, so now I'm trying to get back on track with my eating habits. 

4. YouTube

I started a YouTube channel. I know, I know, everyone has one. But as  I am not too fond of the camera or talking, or being in the spotlight my channel is about Art. When we started renovating our apartment I wanted the TV because I loved the idea that you can use it as a painting and not be limited by space (I don't like drilling into the wall). I guess I'm a little late to the party but it occurred to me that I can do the same thing with any TV if I make a "slideshow" with all of my favorite paintings. If anyone's interested here's a link to it.

All in all that's the gist of it. I'm thinking about writing book reviews once again but the books I read aren't usually ones that people are interested in, so I'm at a crossroad with what to write about. But as it is mainly for me I guess I'll continue with it. 

See you soon...


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Book Review: 24 Girls in 7 Days by Alex Bradley

Hey guys, I think by now, with total two of my book reviews, it's been established that I start my book reviews with a standout quote from the book. Not it this case. Why? Because it f****** sucked. Now you may ask yourselves why did I bother to read it? I read the book in two days, which isn't because it was sooo amazing and I couldn't put it down. It was because it was an extremely easy and quick read. And as I mentioned I've set a reading goal - 50 books in a year. And the best summarization of this book is this: It starts promising and fails miserably. Spoilers The first few chapters were funny and entertaining. The style was also good, and the direction which it was going seemed quite full with potential, but it missed the mark a big time. So, the plot is this as posted on GoodReads:  There are few things sadder than Jack Grammar's love life. So when his friends take it upon themselves to get him a date to the prom by placing an intensel...