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Bridgerton Season 2

 Hi guys,

today's review is on Bridgerton on Netflix. I doubt that there's anyone who hasn't heard about it. Also, the review may be a little bit chaotic.

When the first season came on it looked familiar and as if I knew the story. Turned out it was based on Julia Quinn's book series which I had read when I was around 16. I kinda liked the first season. It was a little bit drawn out and some storylines were unnecessary in my opinion (the prince). I think that if the season was condensed into 5 episodes it would have been ok. 

Like a lot of people, I wanted to read the books (again), especially because I had forgotten most of what happened. I still have to go through the last 2 books. And out of all of the ones I read Anthony and Kate's story was my favorite. 

I know everyone talks about the chemistry between the two main actors but I didn't like them together. I mean they did a good job, especially Jonathan Bailey, but I just didn't like them as a couple. Thank God, they changed his hairstyle, because I couldn't stand his sideburns in the first season. Maybe it would be easier if I make a list of what worked for me and what didn't.

What worked:

- Anthony's new look

- how they've aged up Kate

- the Featherington's storyline

- the scene with the polo game

- we saw Phillip - Eloise's future spouse

- Benedict's table scene

What didn't work:

- everything else

- too little screen time for Newton (Kate's dog)

Honestly, I barely finished watching it. I've got no idea why the Queen is in the story - there's no point. I get that sometimes she is used as a device to drive the plot forward, but there's literally no reason for her existence in the story. And this absurdity with the diamond of the season. How bored should she be to deal with these debutants? Next, Penelope's storyline - in the book it worked a lot better because here they make me hate her. She is supposed to be smart and kind, but here she's insufferable. I get that she is under a lot of stress but come on...   I'm happy they've included the scene where she overhears Colin's words as this is the foundation for the fourth book (season?) but I've got a problem with TV Colin as well. Colin is the most handsome, charming, and carefree of the brothers and that's not what we're seeing on the screens. Lady Danbury and Violet's uncomfortable laugh is a staple in Shonda's TV series but it was beyond annoying and fake - they should have cut the scene out. Now for Marianne? I honestly don't remember her name - Colin was in love with her and she got married because she was pregnant and in this season Colin went to see her. The way they portrayed her character doesn't make sense for the later development that is awaiting her (suicide).

Okay, now for the main story: I didn't like how they changed everything about it. I couldn't wait to see them married and how their feelings would get deeper but here I was rooting for them to never get married. I understand that they didn't want to repeat the same "trapped in a marriage because of the circumstances" from the previous season, but they did it in such a stupid way that it was laughable. 

The story is almost the same up to a point in the book - Anthony decides to marry Edwina because she seems like she would make a good wife and Kate is the annoying older sister. But Edwina never liked Anthony, they never got engaged, in fact, with she was in love with another man who later became her husband. And that was the biggest flaw of this season. How can we like them after what they did to her? What? After Kate's accident, everything was fine and everyone lived happily ever after. They used the cheapest trick in the world so they can justify Kate and Anthony's marriage. And them having sex before they got married? Whose stupid idea was that? 

The series is turning into a shit show. I read somewhere that it was renewed for two more seasons, but if they continue butchering the story and making up stuff as they go that don't make sense they should just scrap the whole project. 


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