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30 Day Challenge Day 2-4

 Hey guys,

I haven't forgotten to update you on the challenge, however, I've decided that it's better if I combine several days in one post as there isn't anything thaat interesting to report.

Day 2: Sort out the sock drawer

I've got lots of socks. I mean a lot a lot. But! But! I keep my winter and summer socks in the same place, so in a way, it's normal for my drawer to be overflowing. On top of that my aunt-in-law (can I say that if I'm not married?) loves giving socks as presents, and she is the reason why I've got so many. I haven't bought myself a pair in... maybe never? Or once or twice in my life (before that my mom did that for me). So, I really can't throw away much as they're like new. I got rid of two pairs. I call that a win.

Day 3: Gift/donate 3 books

Not happening. 

In our apartment, I've got one-fourth of all of my books and the others are at my parents' place. I've taken my favorite so I don't feel like gifting/donating anything. As an alternative I deleted some from my Kindle - books I know I won't finish.

Day 4: review the last three items you've bought

I bought two dresses (the same style but different color), one skirt, a pair of shorts and a pair of white sneakers during the weekend. I haven't had an opportunity to wear them as they're in the category "to be washed" (always wash your clothes before wearing them). But I love every single item. I don't think I buy things I don't need/love.

I'm beginning to question whether there's a point in me continuing this challenge as it doesn't seem that I need it but I've started it so I'll give it an honest try.

See you in a few days 


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Book Review: 24 Girls in 7 Days by Alex Bradley

Hey guys, I think by now, with total two of my book reviews, it's been established that I start my book reviews with a standout quote from the book. Not it this case. Why? Because it f****** sucked. Now you may ask yourselves why did I bother to read it? I read the book in two days, which isn't because it was sooo amazing and I couldn't put it down. It was because it was an extremely easy and quick read. And as I mentioned I've set a reading goal - 50 books in a year. And the best summarization of this book is this: It starts promising and fails miserably. Spoilers The first few chapters were funny and entertaining. The style was also good, and the direction which it was going seemed quite full with potential, but it missed the mark a big time. So, the plot is this as posted on GoodReads:  There are few things sadder than Jack Grammar's love life. So when his friends take it upon themselves to get him a date to the prom by placing an intensel...