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2018 Look Back

Hey guys,
as the first post of this blog was about 2018 Resolutions I decided to take a look back and see how much of it I managed to achieve. All in all I had 6 goals for the year.
The first one was staying alive. I'm glad to say I did manage to achieve this despite my numerous health problems.
The second was to find a flat.This is also checked from my to do list. However, whether I would actually live in it or we would rent it is debatable since the moving (see the post about the Life Update ).
The third one was saving as much as possible. For the first 10 months of the year this was quite easy to do as I don't like shopping and I can keep myself under check not to spend money on things I don't really need. But then we had to spend a lot of the savings because of the move and my health problems. So, I'm not sure if this resolutions was achieved or not.
The fourth point was finishing one of the books I'm writing - I failed miserably, and it's going to remain a goal in the next year (I think this is the fifth year in a row).
The fifth was bettering my eating habits, and again I didn't succeed in it. I eat less sweets than before but that's not huge improvement, as I still eat a lot of junk food.
And the final one, if you've read the blog you would be updated on the reading challenge. I had in mind to read 50 books but only read 26, which is still better than I hoped a month ago.
So, overall I think this year was a success, because I didn't achieve all of the resolutions I set for myself, but looking back on the past year a lot of happy, positive and unexpected things happened, which aren't the focus on this blog.


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