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Life Update

Hey guys,
I've been missing for quite a while for one simple reason - I hadn't read a book since the summer I didn't have anything to write about. So, the prospects of completed the reading challenge are getting slimmer and slimmer, well they are non-existent, really. Only this year I'm not going to adjust my goal on the GoodReads tracker to make it seem like I didn't actually failed. The number of read books until this moment  is 22 out of 50 (I'm currently reading one which I think I'll finish by the end of the week).

Now, regarding the reasons for my lack of time and what's been going on.

I.  I got my driving licence 

Yep, at the ripe age of 25 I finally decided it was time to join the throngs of drivers. Let me start with saying that I've never wanted to drive, never had an interest, and quite frankly I was afraid. I mean I can't ride a bike: why would I rush out to operate a car?
I started my driving lessons in the summer, which led to one of my worst summers ever. I was full of hope that I would be at least decent at it.
Long story short - I wasn't and I would cry after every lessons up until the halfway mark. And it wasn't that I had become but the acceptance that I was rubbish at it but I wasn't a quitter so I continued to suffer in silence, convinced that I would fail the exam.
But I didn't. I don't know how but I passed on my first try.
Since then I've driven 2 times .

NB! If you like me live in a country where there is animosity between an automatic vs stick, and you have the chance to choose, go for the automatic. Driving an automatic is completely unnecessary in my opinion. I know that in the USA and probably most European countries people drive automatics but in mine it's a matter of pride to drive a stick. And everytime I said I wanted an automatic I would be bombarded with"if one day you have to drive a stick you won't be able to, so get your licence on one". I actually didn't know until the very end of my course that there were courses for automatics so I got my licence driving a stick.
And the lesson in this is - do your research!

II. Health problems
I'm not going to get into too much details on this topic as I don't think it's particularly interesting and I don't think it's something that I feel at ease to discuss. I had problems with one of my Fallopian tubes and I was going to a lot of doctors, appointments, I started physiotherapy and now it seems to be ok. But we'll see.

III. Moving to another city

It still hasn't happened officially for me, and it's not going to be until maybe March. My boyfriend was offered to move departments in the same company he's been working in the past 3 years, and he started in the beginning of December, so for the next couple of months we would live apart. There were a lot of positive sides and one major drawback - the move. Neither of us like this city. All of our friends are her, our families and we've got into a comfortable routine. I like my job and my colleagues, and last but not least we found a flat to buy. This was one of my goals for this year and we accomplished it in February. It's still in construction and it should be ready in September next year. So, this was very important thing to consider, because this way we're going to have to both pay rent and a mortgage. Ultimately, we've decided to go as the prospects seem to be great and it's not like I'm loosing something - I could be a teacher everywhere.

This pretty much sums up what's been going on with me.
P.S. I'm thinking about shooting some workouts. Not that I'm in good shape currently as I was in pain because of my health problems and I couldn't workout normally. I mean the blog is called yogates and it's about book reviews...
So, will you be interested in this?


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Book Review: 24 Girls in 7 Days by Alex Bradley

Hey guys, I think by now, with total two of my book reviews, it's been established that I start my book reviews with a standout quote from the book. Not it this case. Why? Because it f****** sucked. Now you may ask yourselves why did I bother to read it? I read the book in two days, which isn't because it was sooo amazing and I couldn't put it down. It was because it was an extremely easy and quick read. And as I mentioned I've set a reading goal - 50 books in a year. And the best summarization of this book is this: It starts promising and fails miserably. Spoilers The first few chapters were funny and entertaining. The style was also good, and the direction which it was going seemed quite full with potential, but it missed the mark a big time. So, the plot is this as posted on GoodReads:  There are few things sadder than Jack Grammar's love life. So when his friends take it upon themselves to get him a date to the prom by placing an intensel...