I've been trying to write the introduction to today's book review and I've been having the hardest time. Honestly, I don't even have a good explanation why I started reading it. I mean... just look at the cover and the very first words "If men are dogs... this is animal control", and the whole "how to get what you want from men...". It just all sounds too manipulating and ludicrous for my taste.
GoodReads Summary:
Kara King's controversial book, "The Power of the Pussy", shares 12 powerful secrets that will transform any woman into the type of strong, desirable woman that can effortlessly obtain what she wants from men; including the love, respect and relationship she desires.
In this book you'll learn valuable lessons that will teach you how to...
~Flip the switch in your female brain, so you can beat men at their own game...
~Have men lining up to date you and desperate for your attention...
~Heal from a broken heart and never be sad over a man again!
~Become the type of woman that commands respect from men...
~Get the proposal, the ring, and the man of your dreams!
Get what you want from men and have the time of your life while doing it! This book has empowered women and dramatically changed their lives by changing the way they think about men and dating, and it can change your life too!
DISCLAIMER: This book contains strong language, sexual content and subject matter that may be offensive to some readers.
My opinion:
Honestly, that's all you need to know.
I've read some reviews and people complain about the language, which I don't think was offensive. I mean, the writer put it right there in the title - what do you expect? However, the approach she has towards dating and men is just... wrong. She claims that men are pigs so we should act like them and beat them at their own game. But to me there's no game. And this entire idea that men use women and so we should do it to is just too flawed, in my humble opinion. Don't join them, be better. And I don't think it's so hard to notice when a guy isn't making an effort. Also, King portrays men as some sex-crazed imbeciles, how she actually believes and preaches that there are good ones out there is beyond me.
In terms of legitimate advice I would say that there's about 30% somewhat useful stuff and the other 70 are just plain garbage. But what she says is nothing more than common sense. I don't think that you need to read in pseudo self-help book that when a guy treats you like shit he's using you for sex and doesn't love you. Well, groundbreaking Sherlock!
She says something ridiculous, then does a 180 and goes "I don't promote it, but it's an option if you want to explore it". Such statements include: finding a sugar daddy, having sex with multiple people, flirting with men just so you can pry a materialistic perk out of them.
I don't know, I've never really dated so maybe I'm not one to talk, but I don't think you should waste your time on flings, I don't agree that you should take advantage of people. I don't condone manipulating people, or playing games and making them take various tests so they can prove themselves to you. The fact that she calls her advice "powers" is another gag moment for me. They weren't powers they were either common sense or outrageous claims.
I just got the feeling that she thought women were just some idiots who needed simple things spelled out for them.
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