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Product Review: The Body Shop Mango Range

Hi lovelies,
it's been a looong time since I last posted here. And no, it isn't because of lack time. Actually this is all I have right now and I'm watching TV series and procrastinating as much as I can. But this is another topic.

I wanted to review the Body Shop Mango series. I've purchased several products by them. I thought about choosing different scents but honestly I just liked the Mango one the best.

1. Body Scrub
This is actually the only product I've finished. At first I was excited because it smelled so good and I've been looking for a good body scrub forever. But it was a disappointment. It wasn't as gritty as I wanted and on top of that it was way too oily. Even after rinsing repeatedly there was a film of it left on my skin. To some people this may be a plus but I didn't like the experience. Ultimately I started using it as a foot scrub and I was much more pleased with it that way.

2. Body Yogurt and Body Butter
I was confused about the difference between the lotion and the butter but I asked the shopping assistant and she explained it to me. The butter is much more thick and more hydrating so if you have super dry skin this would be your product, which also makes it better for the winter. I liked both of them. They are absorbed quickly by the skin and there's no residue whatsoever. Highly recommend it!

3. Hand Sanitizer
I bought the Strawberry and the Mango ones. I thought the only difference would be the smell but I was wrong. Between the two I prefer the Mango, because the Strawberry leaves my hands sticky and it takes quite a while for the stickiness to disappear. I don't have the same problem with the Mango - it smells nice and it absorbs quickly.

Now the big con in my opinion is the price. In the USA and some European countries this may not be an issue but in Bulgaria it does seem quite steep. For 200ml Body Butter the price is 34 levas, and when the average salary is about 800-1000 levas it does seem like a lot.
P.S. All of the photos I found on Google


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